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TruFlow wants to get you a good night’s sleep and support a healthy prostate

force factor truflow

Force Factor has come out with a rather different kind of nighttime supplement that combines two rather specific categories. TruFlow is the name of the new product which brings together the benefits of a sleep aid and support for a healthy prostate.

The unique list of effects Force Factor’s new TruFlow promises includes alleviation of nighttime urination, better quality sleep to ensure you wake up rested, and promotion of normal prostate size.

force factor truflow

When it comes to the ingredients in TruFlow, Force Factor has added a blend of ingredients for each of its effects. For prostate support, there is saw palmetto, vanadium, and boron; for sleep, you have GABA and melatonin; and for flow enhancement, you get a 197mg blend including the likes of cranberry, pumpkin seed, and stinging nettle.

The latest Force Factor supplement is now available from both the major retailer GNC and Force Factor’s own website. If you’re interested in applying for a free sample we suggest you go to the brand’s site, otherwise, GNC is the best place to purchase TruFlow where it costs $34.99 for a full 15 serving bottle.