Hurakan is Primeval Labs’ most recent entry into the competitive world of weight loss. It is a supplement that features stimulants, although unlike the brand’s other stimulant fat burner, Black Devil. Hurakan isn’t that heavy on stimulants and packs a number of other ingredients to help you lose weight.
Seeing as Primeval Labs’ Pyretic proved to be quite an effective fat burner, despite having no stimulants in it. We knew we’d have to give Hurakan a run, which is what we’ve been doing over the past month or so.
Suggested serving
We’ll start our Hurakan review by going over the serving style we used as it is a bit different to what the product directs. On an actual bottle of Hurakan, it says one serving is three capsules, and there are 30 servings per bottle, so to last a month you need to use one serving per day. While we did use a full three-capsule serving at once, on one or two days, we found another strategy that we liked a little better.

For the month we used Primeval Labs’ Hurakan we went with one capsule three times a day. It still seemed to offer a handful of noticeable fat burning benefits, but better yet, the increased energy lasted much longer, going a full day as opposed to a few hours as we experienced on the single serving.
All day energy
Across the four weeks we used Hurakan it managed to deliver in a number of major areas. The biggest part of the experience was the supplement’s energy. While we did only use a single capsule three times a day, Hurakan consistently came through with a moderate amount of energy, enough to give you a noticeable boost as well as a smooth lift in mental focus.
As mentioned we did try a three capsule serving, although compared to the single serving it felt a bit too over the top. Alternatively, if you want that bigger kick, you could do two capsules somewhere in the morning, then one in the afternoon. That is another serving style we tried which isn’t as intense as three capsules and still keeps you consistently energized throughout the day.
Extra effects
Other areas where we saw Hurakan shine was in appetite control and improved metabolism. The product really makes it easy to lower calories and stick to your diet, two effects that we don’t see too often in fat burning supplements, but are always appreciated.

The last effect we’d like to highlight for Hurakan is its ability to enhance overall weight loss. Much like when we ran Pyretic, while using Hurakan you will feel you’re losing weight much faster than usual. In our four week trial, we felt the actual weight lost, was about as good as it usually is at about five to six weeks, giving it that rare ability of accelerating weight loss.
As far as stimulant powered fat burners go, Primeval Labs’ Huraken is a solid competitor. We certainly like that it’s not all about overly intense energy and focus, and has actual benefits in there that can help you along your weight loss journey.
There are a few other fat burners out there we do prefer over Hurakan, but Primeval Labs’ definitely did a solid job on this one. If you’re looking for a combination of smooth uplifting energy, appetite control, and accelerated weight loss, then Hurakan might be worth a look. Better yet you can stack it with Primeval’s stimulant free fat burner Pyretic, which like Hurakan is a strong fat burner all on its own, so together they’ll be quite the force.