Something big is coming very soon from the guys over at Buff Bake, which sounds like it’s going to make quite the Christmas gift for protein food fans. At the moment we know almost nothing about the product; all the functional food brand has released is a delicious, but possibly obvious clue.
The next new product coming from Buff Bake is being hinted at as the combination of the brand’s nut butter and protein cookie. To us, that sounds like a spread with cookie dough mixed in or a cookie with nut butter on the outside or inside.
As exciting as a cookie dough spread sounds, the cookie with nut butter does seem more likely, as the mystery product appears to be pictured in a packet, not a tub. Regardless of whatever the latest Buff Bake creation turns out to be, it sounds like an extremely delicious product.
To make the exciting news even better, Buff Bake plans on officially unveiling its new creation in just two days’ time on Wednesday. It is also going to be exclusive to the major supplement retailer, the Vitamin Shoppe.