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Protein Wars V: Round one voting is officially open

Protein Wars

The 2017 Protein Wars is officially open, with votes now being taken for group one of round one at There are total of seven polls for everyone to vote in, each having five different protein powders to decide between.

Whichever supplement ends up having the most votes in each poll by the end of the week will proceed to the quarterfinals, starting Monday the 27th of this month. Next week we’ll have voting for group two of round one involving another seven polls, each with five more protein powders to vote for.

You can find out all you need to know about the Protein Wars on the voting page at Just as a quick rundown, you can only vote once every 24 hours, voting rounds run for one week, live results will be hidden for the last two days, and we will delete all suspicious votes.

The reason we hide votes for the last couple of days is to purely keep things exciting and keep participants pushing just as hard. We also delete all suspicious votes that have the appearance of coming from bots and other methods that aren’t legitimate people personally coming in and voting.

If you have any questions, feel free to connect with us via social media or message us through our contact form. Once again you can vote for group one in round one of the 2017 Protein Wars at then tune in next Monday for results and voting for group two of round one.

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