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New Year’s Stack3d Pro Supplement Expo dates announced

Stack3d Pro

The dates to mark down in your calendar for the next Stack3d Pro Supplement Expo have officially been set. Our next one-of-a-kind digital experience is going to take place on Monday the 22nd of January and run through until Friday the 26th.

For those not familiar with our event, it is quite unique and something we’ve found fitness enthusiasts and supplement fans have come to greatly enjoy. The Stack3d Pro is an online-only supplement expo, which runs for five days and features a massive amount of major brands.

While the booths at the Stack3d Pro may not be what you’re used to seeing at a traditional, physical expo, they are just as exciting. Brands’ spaces at the Stack3d Pro are filled with interesting and innovative new product unveilings, awesome giveaways, information, and strong sales.

Spaces for the New Year’s Stack3d Pro are booking up fast, so we can already tell it is shaping up to be another great event. For more information and updates be sure to stay tuned here at and if you have any questions or want to get involved hit us up on our contact page.

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