The incredibly innovative company Evomuse, has taken its extremely unique product Defuse, described as a fat gain inhibitor, and reformulated it. The supplement still aims to deliver the same lengthy list of benefits; it’s just had a few of its overlapping ingredients removed to make the formula a little more streamlined.
For those that have not come across Evomuse Defuse before, it is actually quite a unique product. As mentioned its described as a fat gain inhibitor, not your typical fat burner or weight loss competitor, intended to be taken 30 minutes before your largest meals of the day.
What Defuse is designed to do exactly, is essentially what it says in its title. It aims to cripple or defuse your body’s fat storage pathways in an attempt to prevent the body from filling fat cells and allow body fat to be burned more efficiently, making it an ideal cheat meal partner.
You can see the updated facts panel for Evomuse Defuse above, where it does have fewer ingredients than the previous version, although the formula is still quite packed. The fewer ingredients have also resulted in a smaller serving size, with the supplement now having three capsules per serving instead of four.
Evomuse has made its new Defuse available for pre-order through its website and at a deeply discounted price. Through until tomorrow, you can secure yourself a bottle of the fat preventing product for $30.99 instead of its usual price of $44.99, with pre-orders due to ship later this week.