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EVL Giveaway: Three, three piece weight loss stacks to be won

EVL giveaway

For the next week we’re giving you the chance to get yourself in the draw to win a three supplement weight loss stack from the guys over at EVL. Two of those three products are also actually new releases from the brand, with the third being one of EVL’s more popular supplements.

The stacks we have up for grabs consist of full-size tubs of EVL’s new Liquid Carnitine 500 and the new Green Apple flavor of its fat burning pre-workout ENGN Shred. The third product is the brand’s stimulant free weight loss solution, LeanMode.

To get yourself in the draw to win one of the three EVL stacks we have available, as always just complete one or more of the tasks we have listed below. You have until next Friday to get all of your entries in, then the following week we’ll select and contact the winners directly.

EVL Lean Stack

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