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REPP Sports taking EGF-1 back to the drawing board


When we recently posted about REPP Sports upcoming, individual ingredient muscle builder Laxogenin+, we mentioned that it looks like it’ll be the brand’s first entirely new supplement release. Even though it’ll be here soon, Laxogenin+ is still the brand’s second new product to be revealed as back in April we did get a preview of the exciting sounding EGF-1.

Today we have a bit of an update on EGF-1 direct from REPP Sports, seeing as we hadn’t heard much about it since that initial preview a few months ago. It turns out after running multiple test trials the brand was simply not satisfied with the results offered by EGF-1. Due to that, REPP decided to go back to the drawing board to develop something bigger and better.

The overall goal of EGF-1 is to provide a powerful combination of effects with rapid muscle growth and increased strength. REPP Sports did not want to sacrifice in either of those areas so that it could just release the supplement. Basically, it does still sound like some form of EGF-1 is in the works and on the way, and better than what we were initially going to be getting.