An all-new weight loss supplement has been confirmed as coming soon from Primeval Labs that goes by the name Hurakan. Anyone at all familiar with the brand will know it does already have a couple of competitors in the fat burning category with Black Devil and the top ten formula Pyretic.
Primeval Labs hasn’t released a whole lot of information about its new Hurakan just yet, only saying that it’s a weight loss product for fat mobilization, increased caloric expenditure, and appetite suppression. There is also a preview of the supplement, which sees Hurakan promote itself with the line “extreme energy weight loss”. That certainly suggests the formula will involve stimulants, meaning it may be an alternative or even a replacement for Black Devil, Primeval’s current stimulant fat burner.
It does sound like Primeval Hurakan is nearing its release, so everything we need to know about it should be available quite soon. Based on what the brand has done in the past, there is a good chance it’ll put the product up for pre-order first and possibly introduce it with some kind deal.