Ever since MHP relaunched its line with a new look and a handful of new supplements, we had been waiting for some kind of replacement to its top rated recovery formula 5D-Tropin. It now looks like that product is on the way with Recovery PM Powder.
Anyone familiar with the current MHP family may be thinking isn’t there already a supplement from the brand called that? The answer is yes, as Recovery PM has been available since MHP’s big relaunch. Today, however, we’re talking about Recovery PM Powder, which despite sounding like a powder alternative for Recovery PM, it does have a few things different.
Repair, recover, rejuvenate
The overall goal of MHP’s upcoming Recovery PM Powder is similar to the capsule version as well as the now discontinued 5D-Tropin. The product aims to help get you to sleep, improve the recovery process, reduce muscle breakdown, and suppress cortisol. More simply, repair, recover, and rejuvenate, so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to workout at 100%.
2.5g more leucine
Moving on to the ingredients in Recovery PM Powder, there are of course a few things the supplement has in common with the original capsule formula. The two products do use the exact matrix to put you to sleep featuring 200mg of valerian root, 150mg of GABA, 100mg of theanine, 25mg each of Hops extract and 5-HTP, and 5mg of melatonin.

Where MHP has separated the powder from the capsule version is in its muscle recovery blend. Instead of an 855mg mix of tart cherry, BCKAs, and ashwagandha, the flavored Recovery PM has the same 480mg of CherryPure tart cherry as well as 2.6g of leucine with 2g of regular leucine, 500mg of ActiveTR time release leucine, and 100mg of alpha-keto-leucine.
The new Recovery PM Powder is essentially just like the capsule version but with a significantly larger amount of the muscle building amino leucine in various forms, in place of ashwagandha.
Coming soon in Mango Nectar
Currently, there is no word on when MHP plans on officially making its flavored Recovery PM available, only that it is coming soon. When it does eventually show up on shelves, you’ll have the one flavor to choose from is Mango Nectar, and the supplement will have slightly fewer servings than the capsule original with 25 instead of 30.