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REPP Sports’ upcoming EGF-1 involving strength and myostatin

repp sports egf-1

REPP Sports has dropped another teaser image for its upcoming EGF-1 today, which had its named confirmed a couple of weeks ago. The latest look at the supplement gives us a bit more information on what the product is going to do and how.

The first thing you see in REPP’s new EGF-1 teaser is a bulked up cow being branded with the name of the upcoming supplement. Quite a few people might know exactly what the cow relates to, although for those that don’t the brand does provide a link to it on the label of EGF-1.

In the image, there is a picture of REPP’s next new release confirming that it is a growth potentiator and that it involves strength and myostatin. It is that second word that directly relates to the cow as all you need to do is simply type myostatin into Google and you’ll get a very similar image.


If you’re not familiar with the term Myostatin, it’s a growth differentiation factor that somewhat limits the amount of muscle things like sheep, cattle, and humans can naturally grow. The more one lacks the more muscle that’ll grow, for example the double muscled cow in the teaser is lacking.

There are a lot of supplements out there that are promoted as myostatin blockers, promising to lower your myostatin and help you naturally grow more muscle. With EGF-1 including the word myostatin and hinting at its abilities in today’s image, it looks like REPP Sports is also promising major muscle building for its next release.

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