At the beginning of the year we were introduced to the new supplement company ‘Merica Labz and its two packed out pre-workouts, Red, White & Boom and Stars ‘N Pipes. After seeing both of the products’ packaging and 100% transparent formulas, we knew we had to purchase the two and get them in for review.
We’ve decided to actually do a combined review for the two ‘Merica Labz pre-workouts, as while they are quite effective separately. Together they are next to unstoppable, and when you can get them on sale for a combined $50, like at this year’s Arnold, it’s worth buying and using them as a stack.

Packed out formulas
If you haven’t seen the labels behind Red, White & Boom and Stars ‘N Pipes, as mentioned they’re both fairly full formulas. Red, White & Boom is the brand’s stimulant pre-workout featuring a massive 8g of citrulline malate (2:1), 5g of creatine monohydrate, 3.2g of CarnoSyn beta-alanine, 400mg of caffeine, 150mg of the powerful DMHA, and 50mg of synephrine.

As for Stars ‘N Pipes, that one packs half as many ingredients as Red, White & Boom, but with doses just as big. The three features making up ‘Merica Labz stimulant free pre-workout are a strong 6g of straight citrulline, the biggest dose of HydroMax glycerol we’ve seen at 5g, and also 5g of betaine anhydrous.
Unstoppable pre-workout experience
Getting into how the ‘Merica Labz pre-workouts perform, basically our earlier description of the two simply being unstoppable is really the best way to explain the stack. The first thing you feel after taking a scoop of each supplement is the rush, which is a combination of energy, focus, and a stronger than expected tingle effect from the beta-alanine.
When the ‘Merica Labz stack starts kicking in, you need to be near the gym or at least in it, as the urge to want to start lifting becomes pretty intense if you’re not doing anything. Once you get in the gym however and start working out, it’s non-stop, balls to the wall from start to finish.

The pre-workouts don’t really have a gradual build or anything, they hit their powerful peak fairly quickly and stay at that level right through until you finish your workout.
Stim heavy energy
The energy in the ‘Merica Labz stack is as good as it gets, but it does fall into the category of being very stimulating. The other effects kind of help balance out the experience, although if you’re not a fan of over the top energy, then you may not want to do a full scoop of Red, White & Boom. The level of energy helps you lift heavier for longer, even on those days where you don’t feel like you have it in you to workout.
Focus for your workout
The energy is equally matched by the stack’s focus, which ensures you have the right mindset to put its intense energy to good use. Together the two effects will have you trying to max out your warm-ups, and pump out a few extra reps and sets, even after you’ve finished your usual program. It basically gets you in the right mindset, clearing out everything around you, and forcing you to focus on the job at hand.

Pump and performance
The other two effects the ‘Merica Labz pre-workouts come through on are pump and performance, making the stack a truly complete pre-workout experience. The pump definitely falls into the dense and vascular category, meaning you won’t be too full to limit your range of motion. You will however get a pump that feels a lot more intense than it looks in the mirror, and just adds more fun to the whole ‘Merica Labz experience.
As for the performance and endurance side of the unstoppable pre-workout combination, it is quite seamless compared to everything else that goes on in your workout. The only way you’ll really notice it is when you’re repping out the slightly heavier weights or doing more consistently heavy sets, and you’re not as exhausted as you’d expect. Even when you let the intense energy take control of you for a bit and cut your rest periods right down, you won’t have any trouble maintaining a stronger than normal level of performance.

Complete and unforgettable
While we would probably rate both of ‘Merica Labz pre-workouts above a lot of other competitors in their respective categories. Together they really amplify one another and are better than any single pre-workout out there, even just above our current #1 rated DVST8 White Cut from Inspired.
The ‘Merica Labz stack brings together every effect we look for in a pre-workout, and at levels that are pretty much five out of five. You get as much energy as you can control and your body can handle, and an intense pump that you tend to only get from dedicated pump pre-workouts. There is also the performance power to help you lift at a higher level, and focus to get your head in the place it needs to be for an unforgettable workout.