Just as it’s done at a lot of other major supplement expos, Black Skull is here at this year’s Arnold Expo in full force. There is however something very different about the brand’s appearance this time around, as it has in fact brought with it what can only be described as a massive amount of new products.
While Black Skull’s Arnold booth does only have two new supplements on display from what we can see, that is just a fraction of what’s been confirmed. The Brazilian brand has put together a new line for each of its new star athletes, Branch Warren and the legendary Flex Wheeler. Both lines are pretty big in terms of amount of products, with Flex Wheeler having a total of 12 in his series and 8 in Branch Warren’s.
Starting with the Branch Warren Series you have the 1,000 calorie gainer Big Boy Mass, the hydrolyzed whey protein Zero.90 Hydro, the beef protein T-Bone, the egg protein Snake Egg, and the whey formula Whey XM307, which weirdly comes in two similar sizes with 2lbs and 1.8lbs. The non-protein supplements by Branch Warren are the pre-workout Cross Bones, the testosterone booster Macho Alpha, and the fat burner Napalm.
Moving on to the much bigger Flex Wheeler Series, in terms of protein you have another 1,000 calorie gainer called Brave Mass, the whey formula Sacred Whey, the 100% isolate Iso Blade, and another beef protein called Butcher.
You then have Flex Wheeler’s carbohydrate competitor Carbo Horse, the creatine HCl formula Creavallon, the stimulant pre-workout Last Crusade, and the three form glutamine Gluta 3 Helmet. The other four items rounding out the line are the pump pre-workout Nitro Blood, the testosterone booster Testo Pump, the amino competitor Amino Cult, and the straightforward HMB formula simply named HMB.
The interesting thing with the two lines is that they do seem to crossover quite a bit, and by that we mean both series have products competing in the same categories. For example Black Skull has made a Branch Warren beef protein called T-Bone, and a Flex Wheeler beef protein called Butcher. You also have the 1,000 calorie Branch Warren gainer called Big Boy Mass, and the 1,000 calorie gainer from Flex Wheeler called Brave Mass.
While some of the Branch Warren and Flex Wheeler supplements do sound very similar, Black Skull has still confirmed a total of 20 new products at this year’s Arnold Expo. It’ll definitely be interesting to see the ingredients behind all of the releases as well as possibly try some of them when ever they eventually hit shelves.