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Sour Nukes ISO-Amino exclusive to Campus Protein

sour nukes iso-amino

Last month when MAN Sports unveiled its upcoming Sour Nukes ISO-Amino, it also confirmed that the new flavor would be exclusive to someone. It didn’t say who, just that it would only be available from one major retailer. That retailer has now been revealed, and it’s the same place that had exclusivity on the Mystery Flavor ISO-Amino.

It turns out Campus Protein is going to be the place to go if you want to get your hands on MAN Sports’ 18th ISO-Amino flavor. Fortunately the retailer is priced competitively and has the product at $19.99 for the usual 30 serving tub. Campus does also tend to run promotions fairly frequently, so there’s a good chance Sour Nukes ISO-Amino will be available at some point with a deal.

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