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Vasogorge relies on just 4 ingredients for extreme pump and bloodflow


Following yesterday’s reveal of another entirely new supplement it has coming soon. Primeval Labs has relesaed everything you need to know about its other upcoming product today, the previouly previewed pump formula, Vasogorge. As suspected the supplement is a lot like the brand’s pre-workout Engorge, featuring no stimulants, however unlike Engorge, Vasogorge’s one and only focus is pump.

To help make sure it delivers on its promise of extreme pump and bloodflow, Primeval Labs has packed Vasogorge with four transparently dosed ingredients. Those ingredients are 1.5g of HydroMax glycerol, 750mg each of arginine alpha-ketoglutarate and Agmamax agmatine sulfate, and lastly 250mg of beet root powder. As you can see the brand has decided to keep the product’s formula fairly straightforward, with each of those ingredients mentioned being packed into each of Vasogorge’s 30, five capsule servings.


To round out today’s Vasogorge update, we do also have a way you can order yourself a bottle of the upcoming Primeval Labs supplement. The brand is now taking pre-orders direct through its website, with the price to secure a full-size Vasogorge being $49.99. If you do choose to get in on the opportunity you won’t actually be waiting too long for it to arrive or be shipped, as Primeval is promoting an official release date of November the 15th, which is just four days from today.

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