Details of yet another new product from Performix have come in today, however unlike yesterday’s teaser of its next new series, for this one we have everything you need to know. The name of the latest Performix creation is SST 24, which isn’t exactly a supplement, it’s a stack of three supplements. As you might have probably guessed by the name of it, Performix SST 24 is an all day fat burning kit featuring SST, Stimfree, and LSC.
If you’re a Performix fan you’ll probably only know two of the products in the SST 24 box set we just mentioned, as the third has in fact been put together specifically for it. SST is of course the brand’s stimulant fat burner, Stimfree its stimulant free fat burner, and lastly you have LSC the new, kit exclusive fat burner designed to be taken before you go to bed.
Perfrmix LSC (From SST 24)
While the other two supplements in the Performix SST 24 box set are fairly complex, the new LSC is definitely on the simpler side. The product features just two main ingredients, the first being CLA for weight loss support, and the other melatonin for relaxation and sleep. The whole idea of the SST 24 kit is to help you burn fat around the clock with SST and Stimfree taking care of you during the day and LSC while you sleep.
The new Performix SST 24 has yet to show up anywhere, however if it’s like most of the brand’s new releases it’ll probably be hitting the retailer GNC before anywhere else.