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BPI Sports teases its next major release for the 28th of November

bpi sports

BPI Sports has just dropped a teaser image that suggests it has something pretty big launching very soon. The teaser features a blacked out bottle that we’re almost certain is some kind of powder formula, with nothing else visible except for its yellow “new” tag. The image is also accompanied by the words “something big is coming”, which is really what hypes this mystery supplement up the most.

Basically it does look like we’re in for an entirely new product of some sort, not another flavor or size. If it were just another option for a current supplement we’d expect the brand to have only blacked out the flavor or size, and kept the item’s name visible. One more thing that suggests BPI is teasing an entirely new product is that it’s actually teasing the release at all. We can’t really to remember a time the brand teased a flavor or size like this, with new supplements being what it tends to make big deals about.

While we can only speculate at this point, it is also going to be some time before we find out how close we are with our guesses at the product. To go with today’s big teaser, BPI has said that its mystery supplement isn’t going to be revealed or at least released, for another couple of weeks. The supplement is being promoted with the date Monday the 28th of November, which is exactly 18 days from today.

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