If you’re a fan of BlenderBottle’s reliable Color Of The Month releases, where it puts together a limited edition shaker for every month. You might be interested in the creative brand’s new Color Of The Month Club. It’s basically a subscription service where you can sign up and be guaranteed to receive each month’s limited edition release.
As you’d expect the Color Of The Month Club comes with a couple of benefits including free shipping for each shaker, and savings of $10 for the 6-month subscription and obviously double that for the year. You are able to cancel at any time, and to make sure you receive the latest limited edition shaker you do to sign up before the 23rd of the previous month. For example if you haven’t joined the club by Wednesday the 23rd of this month, you won’t get BlenderBottle’s December release.
To subscribe to the service simply visit blenderbottle.com and decide between the brand’s two Color Of The Month Club options, although both work out to $8.33 per shaker.