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Latest BPI teaser hints at a new Best BCAA or possible spin-off

bpi best bcaa

BPI Sports has dropped a follow up teaser to the one we got late last week, which we felt hinted at an entirely new supplement of some kind. The latest from the brand confirms that we’re not actually in for a new supplement, although that does make us wonder even more about what we could possibly be in for.

In the teaser BPI has released today we can clearly see that the product the brand has coming is called Best BCAA. We can also see what looks to be a watermelon theme of some kind, a flavor that you can already find BPI Best BCAA in. With all that said the new clues have pointed us in a somewhat more specific direction, as we do know the supplement the brand is teasing is new in some way.

At the moment we have a few guesses at what BPI is getting ready to launch, however none of them we’re more certain on than any of the others. Firstly, we could be in for a new size of Best BCAA, something bigger than its current largest of 60 servings. Secondly, a spin-off of some kind is possible, like an energy or endurance edition, and lastly we could also be looking at a reformulated Best BCAA.

We still have just under two weeks before BPI’s deadline of the 28th where we suspect it’ll be revealing and/or releasing the mystery product. At the rate the brand is dropping teasers though, we wouldn’t be surprised if we find out what the new Best BCAA formula is all about before then.

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