Over the weekend Rule One confirmed that another flavor for its isolate and hydrolysate protein formula R1 Protein, would be dropping sometime today. We didn’t get any clues on what the flavor is, just that it’s for R1 Protein and that it’s more on the creative side of protein flavors. As promised that flavor has been revealed and released today, introducing Apple Cinnamon R1 Protein.
The interesting thing about this one which we didn’t previously know, is that Apple Cinnamon is in fact a limited time flavor. Rule One is basically saying get it while supplies last, more than confirming that it is a limited edition release. If you want to be one of the first to purchase it, Rule One’s website is the place to go where Apple Cinnamon R1 Protein is already in stock in its one and only 2.5lb tub size for $43.99.