With the launch of Pro Supps MyBar just a few days away now, that is of course if its launch is still on for the 10th of October, the brand has added its first edible supplement to its website. With that has finally come a complete and official look at the nutrition label of the product. The MyBar flavor the label belongs to is Salted Caramel Peanut Crunch, which gives us the few macros we were missing.
You can see the facts panel that’s been released on Pro Supps website as well as below. It lists the previously confirmed macros with 20g of protein, 6g of sugar, and 220 calories, as well as the ones we didn’t know with 17g of carbohydrates, a gram of fiber, and 10g of fat (5g saturated). While we don’t have the labels for the other three MyBar flavors, we imagine they’ll be pretty similar to Salted Caramel’s keeping the main macros consistent such as 20g of protein and 220 calories.
Pro Supps MyBar (Salted Caramel Peanut Crunch)
As mentioned Pro Supps MyBar is now officially listed at prosupps.com, which is where it will likely be released this coming Monday. The price on it at the moment is $39.99 for a box of 12 bars working out to $3.33 a bar, however that obviously doesn’t include any sales the brand plans on running.