Muscle Sport recently confirmed that a new flavor for its Black Series pre-workout Rhino Black was on the way. The only clues we got on what it could be were that it’s limited edition and Halloween inspired. Just over a week out from All Hallows’ Eve the brand has now introduced that new flavor, revealing Green Monster Rhino Black.
Muscle Sport hasn’t actually said anything about what its upcoming recipe tastes like, however there is a green apple in its flavor image suggesting it will be something in that area. The brand plans on launching this one in exactly nine days time, which is next week on Sunday and appropriately the night before Halloween.
A discount code for use on Muscle Sport’s website is going to be available, so be sure to stay tuned here for that especially if you’re planning on purchasing Green Monster Rhino Black. Another important detail is that the product is as mentioned a limited edition effort, with the brand saying it’s only produced 1,000 tubs of it.