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4+ Nutrition teases its next, possibly food type product

4+ nutrition

4+ Nutrition is back to its mysterious ways this week with a new teaser for yet another upcoming product. Like most teasers from the Italian brand, we don’t get a lot from this one with just an image of what appears to be a pre-workout sized tub. The mystery item however definitely doesn’t look like it’s going to be anything in the area of a pre-workout.

We get a total of two major clues from 4+ Nutrition’s teaser, one being its title and the other a highlight from the formula. While the brand doesn’t reveal the product’s entire name in its blacked out image, we do get four letters with “Crem”, which we believe has one letter missing and could read something like “Creme” or “Crema” (Italian for cream). The second clue we get is one of the item’s highlights with “no added sugar”.

Based on the two clues we don’t have any confident guesses at what the product might be, although they do point us in one specific direction. Based on the mystery item having no added sugar and being in a tub, we’re thinking the latest 4+ Nutrition innovation could be a high protein or just a health food of some kind, possibly relating to cream in some way.

Hopefully we’ll get more information on this one soon, especially since the product sounds extremely interesting and knowing 4+ Nutrition it’s going to be quite creative.

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