If you were wondering what had happened to Performax Labs’ pump pre-workout VasoMax, which was originally unveiled and detailed back in April. The brand has confirmed that it ran into a few productions issues as most companies do from time to time. It has however also confirmed that it is now back on track, currently getting ready to release VasoMax, and has an updated formula to reveal.
Performax Labs’ new combination for VasoMax isn’t too different from what we saw four months ago in April. It is actually identical to the original formula with only two features being altered slightly. The differences are in the supplement’s gram of KNO3 potassium nitrate and 3g GlyceroPump blend, which have now been replaced by 810mg of MaxNOx potassium nitrate and 3g of HydroMax glycerol. Everything else has remained exactly the same from VasoMax’s 250mg of vitamin C to its 350mg pump and focus blend.
Performax Labs VasoMax (reformulated)
You can check out Performax Labs’ updated VasoMax label below, and expect to see the product out and available very soon. We don’t have an exact date, however the brand has said it will be launched early next month.