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Upcoming Cannibal Carnage is going to feature both DMHA and DMAA

cannibal carnage

Chaos and Pain has already shown quite a bit of interest in this year’s popular stimulant DMHA. First we saw the brand put together a product featuring just DMHA appropriately named 2-Aminoisoheptane, then back in June we got the powerhouse pre-workout Cannibal Riot which packs both DMHA and the controversial DMAA. Chaos and Pain is now getting ready to release another DMHA infused supplement called Cannibal Carnage.

While its name and ingredients do suggest Cannibal Carnage is a pre-workout of some sort, the product is actually more along the lines of Cannibal Inferno and Claw, and is a fat burner. The reason we said its ingredients suggest its a pre-workout isn’t just because Cannibal Carnage features DMHA, but because just like Cannibal Riot it also squeezes in DMAA.

For now those are the only ingredients we can confirm, although based on the fact that those two are in there it’d be safe to say Cannibal Carnage is going to pack a punch. Much like Cannibal Riot compared to Chaos and Pain’s non-DMAA pre-workout Cannibal Ferox, Carnage looks like it’s been designed as an even more intense version of the brand’s fat burner Cannibal Inferno.

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