Out of all of Just Be Natural’s many supplements, there is one that it’s added to a lot more frequently than any of its others. That product is the “Refuel. Rehydrate. Recharge.” formula Krank’d, which has received quite a bit of attention over the past year or so. Last year it got Wild Berry, Banana Cream, and Chocolate Mint, then just last month it was given another with Watermelon.
Just Be Natural has now added to its Krank’d menu yet again, with the classic recipe Pink Lemonade. As it does with almost all of its new releases, the brand has also introduced its latest effort direct with a pretty big promotion. Instead of paying Just Be Natural’s usual Krank’d price of $32.99, through until midnight Sunday you can get any of the supplement’s flavors including the new Pink Lemonade for just $19.99.