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Myprotein teases an Olympic Games colored limited edition flavor


While we’re not yet 100% certain on exactly what we’re looking at in the above image, we do have a few ideas on what it could be. Basically Myprotein has released the teaser you can see above which is obviously a very different looking supplement compared to any of its others. The massive international brand has also accompanied the image with the line “Can you guess what it is and what flavour?”

Judging by the look of the product and the teaser words Myprotein has passed on, it’s fairly safe to say its mystery item is a limited edition flavor of some kind. If we had to take a guess at exactly what supplement the flavor is for, we’d say the protein powder Impact Whey as it is about the same size and is a product that’s already proven itself with a lot of flavors. Based on the colors of the supplement we’d also say the limited edition recipe has been inspired by the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio, Brazil.

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