When it comes to giveaways BPI Sports is known to go pretty big on most occasions. We’ve seen it put up prizes as big as an entire year’s supply of protein. The competition the brand has launched this week month takes the cake, as it has organized one of the biggest protein bar giveaways we’ve ever seen.
BPI has organized three types prizes for what it’s calling the 25k Best Protein Bar Giveaway. If you’re wondering why it’s named that, it’s because there are in fact 25,000 Best Protein Bars up for grabs. That isn’t 25,000 divided up into 12 bar boxes, it’s 25,000 individual bars meaning there will be an incredible 25,000 Best Protein Bar winners.
The other two types prizes available is the one grand prize of a $500 gift card. The third and final prize is more of a reward, with a BPI tee. While there are several tasks you can complete to get yourself in the draw for the grand prize or 1 of 25,000 Best Protein Bars. To get the tee you need to send in a receipt of a full box of Best Protein Bars.
To find out more about the contest and get yourself in to win, head on over to BPI’s website. There is also no need to rush as the competition is due to end in a little less than a month from now on the 11th of August, with winners being contacted four days after that.