Just as it did earlier this year, then again for AdreNOlyn Hers to Fierce Tone, Pump Bulk and Cuts, and more recently its Guerrilla Edition AdreNOlyns. Black Market has rebranded its pre-workouts AdreNOlyn Bulk and Cuts for the second time here in 2016. You can see the two updated supplements in the image above, which don’t really look too different from their previous versions.
While the text has changed slightly, with Black Market making the title “AdreNOlyn” the largest word on the label, then Bulk and Cuts. The biggest difference is the background image of both products. The underground brand has simply switched to less intense poses of “Bulk” and “Cuts” related physiques. As mentioned you can get a look at the two supplements in the image above, as well as on blackmarketlabs.com as the brand has already updated its website to reflect the new looks.