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A little more about the Stack3d Pro and what we’re trying to achieve with it

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In nine days time we are going to be launching the first ever Stack3d Pro Supplement Expo, which is also somewhat of a first for this industry. While digital expos aren’t anything new, in the world of supplements we’ve yet to see one even come close to being done well, which is why we decided to put together our own. Today with all the expo news we have lined up it, we figured it would be worth explaining what the Stack3d Pro is a little more, and go over what we’re trying to achieve with it.

For those that missed our introduction on the event, the Stack3d Pro Supplement Expo is just like your traditional supplement expo but run entirely online. A website or section of our website will be open for three days next week on the 22nd of June, and be accessible through the address When you visit that website you’ll be presented with a very straightforward layout designed mainly for mobile and tablet users. You can then explore the long list of brands that have digital booths (pages), with each one displaying something or everything you’d expect to see at an expo.

Features like sample giveaways, massive supplement contests, new product unveilings, brand education, and of course sales, are most of what you’ll see from the 40 to 50 brands on display at the Stack3d Pro. We should mention that the pages won’t be laid out in any kind of virtual or real life like style. As great as that would look, it’s not functional, and would make simple tasks like entering giveaways and accessing sales a lot more difficult than it needs to be. The Stack3d Pro has simply been designed to conveniently give supplement fans everything they would get from a regular expo from the comfort of their laptop, desktop, mobile phone, and tablet.

Now that we’ve explained what the Stack3d Pro is and what you can expect to see at it, we’d like to share our one, very basic goal for the event. Our biggest aim with the Stack3d Pro is to create a platform that works and doesn’t necessarily benefit us, but can benefit every consumer and supplement company out there. We want to offer brands an event where they can do everything they try to at an expo on a much wider (global) and more convenient scale. As for consumers, we want to bring you everything you would get from an expo without you having to travel to a different city, state, or even country, and it doesn’t cost you anything to visit.

All we ask is that you really enjoy the Stack3d Pro for the few days that it is on, share it with your friends, and join us in trying to make this as big as possible. The bigger it is the better it will be for everyone, and the better we’ll be able to make the next one.

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