Back around the Arnold in March Betancourt Nutrition confirmed that its DMAA era pre-workout D-Stunner, is making a comeback. Since that news came in the brand has yet to say anything more about the supplement, next week however all is expected to be revealed. Betancourt is another one of the brand’s due to unveil a new product at our upcoming Stack3d Pro Supplement Expo, which is going to its resurrected D-Stunner.
From what we know, at the very least Betancourt is going to be releasing a look at the product. It may also involve a look at its label or even a way to purchase the supplement, although only the preview has been confirmed so far. Strangely enough even though a preview isn’t much, that will reveal a lot more than we’ve seen. It will also include the official name of the new D-Stunner, which has yet to be mentioned anywhere and will not simply be D-Stunner 2.0.