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Packed out Black Devil label released as well as the product

primeval black devil

Primeval Labs’ new fat burner Black Devil has been posted about quite a few times recently, firstly when it was unveiled then again when it had its launch date changed. On both occasions the brand had yet to actually reveal what’s in the supplement despite saying that Black Devil will be the “strongest fat burner you’ve ever tried.” Primeval has now finally dropped its official label, which as expected is packed with stimulants.

Unlike its stimulant powered pre-workout, Primeval’s Black Devil isn’t a 100% transparent formula with the only ingredient listed alongside a dose being caffeine. According to the brand, its reason for putting almost the entire product in a blend is “to protect the breakdown of each compound from our competitors”.

As for the features making up Black Devil, Primeval has brought together a combination of 11 different ingredients. The ingredients in the supplement’s one 785mg blend are green tea, beta-PEA, yohimbe, theanine, methylsynephrine, Noopept, hordenine, citrus aurantium, n-methyl-2-phenylethylamine and calyctomine. The one last feature is caffeine, which as mentioned is the product’s only transparent ingredient at 300mg per serving.

Strangely enough now that Black Devil has had its formula revealed, it’s also actually now available. Despite originally being promised for May 23rd, then getting pushed back to June 10th, Primeval has made up for its missed May deadline by being released almost two weeks before June 10th. Fans or anyone interested in getting their hands on the supplement can do so at, where the fat burner has been priced at $39.99 for a full size 60 serving bottle.

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