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Body War throwing in free scoopies with five of its powder products

body war

Australian brand Body War has partnered with the creative company The Scoopie for a limited time promotion. If you haven’t come across the Scoopie before, it’s essentially a portable scoop. You can see an example of the product in the picture, which is kind of like the scoop you find in Gamma Labs’ G Fuel but it has a lid and can be opened at half way.

As for the promotion the two have come together for, basically in five of Body War’s powder supplements you’ll now find a free Scoopie. The products including the limited time freebie can all be seen above with Pre War, Body Shred, War Tropin, Lean Tea and Amino War. While Scoopie does have a handful of colors available for its portable scoop, the Body War freebie looks like it’s the semi-transparent black variant for all supplements.

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