Earlier this week we got a detailed look at MusclePharm’s upcoming Sport Series mass gainer, Combat XL. Just two days later we’ve now got details on another new Sport Series supplement, although this time it’s about a product we’ve seen before. The MusclePharm formula in the spotlight today is the weight loss supplement Shred Sport, which was one of the few the brand previewed back at the Arnold last month.
It turns out the upcoming fat burner does have quite a bit in common with one of MusclePharm’s other competitors, the Black Series product OxySport. Of Shred Sport’s eight main ingredients, half of them are in fact from OxySport, however they are all at slightly different doses. The four they share are l-carnitine tartrate at 250mg less, caffeine, CapsiMax at 125mg instead of 100, and lastly TeaCrine at 50mg which is half the amount in OxySport.
As for the other four features in Shred Sport you have 250mg of acetyl-l-carnitine, making up for its 250mg less carnitine tartrate, 100mg each of sulbutiamine and dandelion root extract, and 15mg of fucoxanthin. All together MusclePharm’s weight loss combination promises a variety of effects including increased thermogenesis, enhanced energy and focus, and help with prevention of fat storage.
Unfortunately much like with Combat XL, we don’t yet know when MusclePharm plans on launching its Sports Series fat burner. Until then though you can check out Shred Sport’s formula in a little more detail below, as we have added its 100% transparent facts panel.