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Carnitine 3000 expected to be a more concentrated Carnitine 1500

pro supps carnitine 3000

While Pro Supps has already introduced quite a few new supplements this month including Hyde V3 and Hyde Zero. It has now confirmed yet another entirely new product, which is a spin on one of its current basic formulas. The name of the supplement does in fact say it all in Pro Supps Carnitine 3000, with the one we believe it’s a spin on being Carnitine 1500.

We don’t yet have any details outside of the product’s name, however we do feel its point of difference is somewhat obvious. Based entirely on its title we’re fairly certain Pro Supps Carnitine 3000 is simply a more concentrated version of Carnitine 1500, having 3g of carnitine per serving as opposed to 1.5. We’re also assuming the brand is going to make it a liquid formula like the five flavor Carnitine 1500, although we can’t be 100% certain on that until we get more information.

Pro Supps Carnitine 3000 is actually said to be coming very soon, with the supplement expected to be available as early as some time next month.

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