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Combat XL very different from the Arnold unveiled Clean Mass

combat xl

Back at the Arnold Sports Festival early last month we got a look at a handful of new supplements on the way from MusclePharm. It was the entire Sport Series that we got a sneak peek at featuring new versions of Assault and Amino1, as well as the entirely new Shred Sport and the clean gainer Clean Mass. We’ve now got news of what appears to be a completely different Sport Series gainer which goes by the name Combat XL.

The main reason we’re saying the product we have details on today is a completely different gainer, and not a transformed version of the previewed Clean Mass. Is simply because Combat XL isn’t being promoted anything like Clean Mass, which could mean MusclePharm has two gainers in its Sports Series. Regardless of whether we’re in for one or two, Combat XL is the supplement in the spotlight today, a formula the brand describes as a “revolutionary all-in-one weight gainer”.

Each serving of Combat XL tips the scales at a massive 332g, which is made up of four 83g scoops. In those servings you get 50g of protein from whey concentrate, milk concentrate, micellar casein and hydrolyzed whey. You then have 252g of carbohydrates (16g sugar), 7g of fat (4.5g saturated), and rounding out the label a total calorie count of 1,270. It is also worth mentioning that MusclePharm has thrown in a few essential fatty acid sources including MCTs, flax seed oil and chia seed powder.

For those interested in a closer look at Combat XL’s complete facts panel, we have added it below. As for when the product is due to be available, we don’t yet have any information on that. We’re still curious to know if this is the evolution of the Clean Mass we saw at the Arnold, or does MusclePharm have two Sport Series gainers lined up. Either way we can confirm that when Combat XL does finally hit shelves fans will have at least two traditional tastes to choose from in Chocolate and Vanilla, both coming a 12lb bag with just a total of eight servings.

MusclePharm Combat XL

combat xl

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