The build up behind today’s Bone Crusher review has been very different to our usual five star or top rated review. Ever since we posted about the supplement a couple of months ago people have either supported it saying that you have to try it, or said the opposite based on its relatively underwhelming formula. We agree with both sides as the pre-workout’s facts panel is a little light however we couldn’t truly judge until we tried it. Recently we did exactly that, by purchasing Bone Crusher and using in workouts.
Just to quickly go over the formula behind Bone Crusher, it is fairly simple. Each serving has 140mg of caffeine, 1.6g of creatine monohydrate and a 3g blend of beta-alanine, taurine and arginine. You can probably see from that small list why it hasn’t been getting a lot of respect as it has very few ingredients and not a lot of what it has. Regardless of how it looks we purchased it from Bodybuilding.com for $19.99 and can now tell you what it’s really like.
For our tests we used two scoops, despite Black Skull not listing a maximum and only recommending one scoop. The two takes its caffeine up 280mg, creatine to 3.2g and its three feature blend to 6g. Basically it is a little more than what you expect but in no way is competitive with what else is on the market.
Heart racing hit
The caffeine drives quite a bit of energy and for apparently what is 280mg, it feels a lot more like 400. While it offers a relatively small kick, since the caffeine is all that’s responsible for the energy it doesn’t exactly provide “performance” energy. By that we mean it gets you’re heart racing and provides your body with some fuel. Since it has nothing else for energy or performance though, you tend to get exhausted quickly when pushing your limits which is not the type of energy you expect from something that’s meant to raise your game.

Over the top pins and needles
The only other effect we noticed with Bone Crusher is that its beta-alanine does feel like a good 3 to 4g. Since it’s in a proprietary blend we don’t know the actual dose but the pins and needles effect is definitely over the top. For example we usually get pins and needles in the face and it fades in five to 10 minutes. In the case of Bone Crusher the pins and needles was felt throughout the body as far as the legs, and didn’t go away until about 30 to 40 minutes later.
Nothing compared to its competition
Outside of the energy drink like hit and beta-alanine side effect, Bone Crusher has absolutely nothing else to offer. The product doesn’t really make any promises on its label so we can’t say it doesn’t follow through on anything. We can however say that it is nothing compared to what else is out there.
We actually used Bone Crusher back to back with the recently reviewed Game Day, which is very energy and focus driven. It pretty much leaves Black Skull’s pre-workout in the dust, so much so that you have to wonder if the brand even looked at its competitors. Basically Bone Crusher’s energy is just a kick, it has no enhanced pump, nothing to help boost you along performance or endurance wise, and zero additional focus.
You could easily make the argument you don’t need a stimulant hit or performance boost if you work hard, but a pre-workout is designed to do exactly that. If that is your reasoning then you could simply say why even bother making or taking Bone Crusher. A pre-workout is meant to be reliable, lift your game and get you in the zone when you need it. Bone Crusher does not do that.

One of the worst out there
At the end of the day Black Skull’s Bone Crusher just doesn’t compete. We tried it, and compared to give it a fair chance, and we can honestly tell you it is one of the worst out there. We’re in no way saying it’s ineffective as you get a heart racing hit and can at least feel the beta-alanine. The problem is that it doesn’t even come close to offering anything that almost every other pre-workout has.
Whether it be good energy, laser focus, explosive pumps or enhanced performance. Most pre-workouts have one if not a combination of those effects to help you pick up your game and take it to another level. Bone Crusher doesn’t really have any of those effects, with the exception being its energy although as mentioned it’s not the workout type energy we’ve come to expect.
Strangely enough we can imagine people liking this as it is a pre-workout you can feel, but again you want something that improves your workout. Black Skull’s effort doesn’t even get close to doing that for us, which we believe is purely because we’re used to competitive pre-workouts something Bone Crusher is not.