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Lifetime supply of bars up for grabs in Quest’s 3rd annual Superfan contest


Earlier this month Quest Nutrition launched its third annual Joy Remetta Superfan competition, where the brand goes on the hunt for its biggest fan. To get yourself in the running you either need to have someone nominate you as a Quest Superfan, or you can nominate yourself. To do either simply visit the brand’s contest page which is also where you can see the massive prize up for grabs.

The one lucky person that ends up being chosen as this year’s Superfan, after making it through the Quest community voting round. Will win custom apparel, a lifetime supply of Quest Bars, and an all expenses paid three night trip for you and a guest to Los Angeles, for a party held in your honor. The last day to nominate or be nominated is Valentine’s Day, with the voting for the top 5 taking place between February 21st and March 1st.

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