Bodybuilding.com has launched a countdown page for the next EVL supplement launch. If you’ve seen the page or can’t quite figure out what the product is from the picture above, it is the brand’s already revealed protein powder Stacked Protein. Not only is the teaser image a dead giveaway but in Bodybuilding.com’s URL it also says “stacked-protein-launch”. Despite knowing what the supplement is, we do suggest if you’re interested in Stacked Protein to visit the page anyway as there is something else on there.
Basically alongside the countdown, the online store has a box for you to submit your email address. If you do, Bodybuilding.com will email when the product is revealed and supply you with a coupon code. We don’t know what kind of discount that code is going to get you, however it will be better than nothing so it’s worth signing up. We should also mention that the countdown is currently at seven days, so expect to get that reveal and coupon email in one week’s time.