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Health Vita-Min brings together a specific combination of 3 ingredients

health vita-min

Scitec Nutrition has launched one of the two new WOD Crusher Series supplements it recently revealed, with the multi-vitamin formula Health Vita-Min. The other product unveiled was Recovery Adaptogens, however the vitamin is the only one of the two we have details on here today. Surprisingly as much as we suspected the supplement to be a traditional, full spectrum vitamin formula, it actually features a more specific combination of just three ingredients.

The features making up Scitec’s all new WOD Crusher Series Health Vita-Min are 62.5mcg of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), 150mg of magnesium and 37.5mcg of vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7). The three ingredients are all wrapped up delayed-release, acid protective capsules, with a total of 54 capsules per box. Being quite a specific combination of vitamins, Health Vita-Min does have very specific list of effects with Scitec saying it’s designed to “protect the immune system, strengthen the bones and help keep muscle functions optimal.”

For a full write-up on Health Vita-Min you can find the product on the official Scitec website, although it’s not yet listed on the dedicated WOD Crusher site or WOD Crusher store.

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