Perfect Sports is a well established supplement company, that moving forward you will be seeing a lot more of here on Stack3d. We haven’t posted about the brand before so as a quick introduction to the Perfect line up, currently it is made up of seven different products. The brand covers a lot of the important categories with three different protein powders, a BCAA, fat burner, and two basics, a creatine and a glutamine. There is obviously one major category Perfect is not yet in, pre-workout, although it does look like that could change very soon.
To start the year off Perfect Sports has confirmed that it has two new supplements coming soon. One is a capsule formula and the other a powder, with no word yet on what types of products either of them are. As mentioned there is a good chance at least one of the two is a pre-workout, however with no facts or clues to go off we are just guessing. The first of the two mystery supplements is actually due to be unveiled in the next week or so, with the capsule formula up first then the powder in another month.
Feel free to check out Perfect Sports a little more on its website at, and be sure to follow along to find out exactly what its 8th and 9th products are.