Following on from its announcement of the all new supplement Sleep & Recovery, and the new flavors for NutriWhey in Cinnamon Toast and Salted Caramel. NutriForce Sports has started teasing something a lot more vague. Instead of giving a name like it did for Sleep & Recovery or a list of options like with NutriWhey, the brand has just said a reformulation is on the way. It hasn’t really given any exact clues, although if the preview picture is in fact of the new product then the list of possibilities narrows down pretty quickly.
Based on the teaser image above, the mystery NutriForce supplement is a powder formula ruling out the chance of an updated WODPak, Joint Support or Omegafort. It is also a 300g tub with 60 servings, a perfect match with two of the brand’s current products, the individuals Creatine and Glutamine. While all clues do point to either of those two being the sequel, keep in mind all this is based on the preview picture being of the actual supplement. As strange as it sounds there is the chance the bottle in the image isn’t of the sequel, so we may not even be close.
Fortunately NutriForce is one of the faster brands out there to reveal new products, meaning we may not be waiting too long to find out what the mystery sequel is.