Just as Formutech Nutrition did with Lean EFX, shortly after it was acquired by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. For a limited time iForce Nutrition (another Hi-Tech brand) has brought back its 1,3 dimethylamylamine (DMAA) fat burner, Dexaprine. For those not familiar with the supplement’s original formula, it is a six ingredient combination of citrus aurantium, 1,3 dimethylpentylamine, caffeine, green tea, and lastly 3,3’ and 3,5 diiodo l-thryonine. The resurrection of iForce’s DMAA Dexaprine has also brought with it a new level of transparency thanks to PricePlow, who has confirmed the product’s caffeine and DMAA doses at 250 and 65mg. If you’d like to get your hands on the supplement it is already available at Suppz for $34.95 a bottle, and as mentioned only for a limited time.