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PES Erase Pro+ shows up at Get Ripped and Supplement Central

Shortly after the Olympia in late September, PES launched a new version of its hormone modulator Erase Pro called Erase Pro+. The supplement combined everything from the original with KSM-66 branded ashwagandha. The big catch with the product was that it was only available at GNC, this week however that has all changed. Two of the more popular online stores Get Ripped Nutrition and Supplement Central, are both now listing Erase Pro+ around the $50 mark.

At the moment Get Ripped is the cheaper option at $49.50, with Supplement Central a few dollars more at $52.95. Since the product is now available at those two locations there is a good chance it’s headed everywhere else. So for those non-GNC shoppers that have been waiting to try Erase Pro+ keep an eye out at your favorite retailer.

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