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Muscle Machine Mass servings three times bigger than Lean’s

muscle machine mass

As promised Grenade has unveiled both of its new supplements today introducing the Muscle Machine formulas, Muscle Machine Lean and Muscle Machine Mass. Just as we suspected the products are both gainers, with their differences clearly explained in their titles. In this post we are going to quickly go over Muscle Machine Mass, the significantly heavier one of the two. When we say heavier we really mean it, as compared to Lean, Muscle Machine Mass’s servings are in fact more than three times bigger.

Packed into each massive 250g serving of Grenade’s Muscle Machine Mass is 54g of protein, 162g of carbohydrates made up of three different sources, all coming to a total of 1000 calories. The brand has also thrown in di and monosaccharide fats which includes coconut oil. The rest of the supplement’s macros will likely be confirmed a little later, although what we have for now should give you a good idea on what the mass formula is all about.

Muscle Machine Mass is due to be officially released in exactly one week alongside Muscle Machine Lean, with two 9 and 23 serving flavors confirmed in Chocolate Milkshake and Strawberry Cream.

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