The first supplement in ANS Performance’s upcoming Diablo Series has been revealed, introducing the capsule formula Diablo Inferno. While initially it does sound like the intense or stimulant powered version we suspected it to be. Inferno is actually more of a lighter, capsule version of the brand’s original Diablo, with only one ingredient and its doses really setting it a part from the flavored fat burner.
Basically when you stack the labels of Diablo and Diablo Inferno side by side you’ll notice the two are almost identical. Of the flavored Diablo’s 12 ingredients, Inferno features just one less with 11. The one ANS has left out of its first Diablo Series product is b-phenylethylamine HCl, although in its place the brand has put the long-lasting energy ingredient TeaCrine theacrine. The only other detail that separates the two weight loss formulas are their doses. However unlike the powder Diablo, Inferno has all its ingredients wrapped up in a proprietary blend, making it difficult to figure out the exact differences.
While the new supplement isn’t transparent, when you compare the combined ingredient totals of each product, it is then you realize there’s a bit more separating the two than the introduction of TeaCrine. All together the features in the regular Diablo add up to 1.23g, almost triple that of Diablo Inferno’s proprietary total of 435mg. You might be thinking maybe ANS has split it all up into smaller servings, however as you can see in the label below that isn’t the case as just like the original, Inferno packs 60 servings.
No matter how you look at it, per serving Diablo Inferno does appear to be a lighter version of the flavored fat burner, meaning it will be interesting to see if Inferno is as effective as the original. As for when the supplement is set to go on sale, we do expect more information on that tomorrow, which is of course the day the ANS said it would be introducing its first Diablo Series product.