As well as unveiling Amino Build Next Gen Energized today at the Olympia Expo, Muscletech has also got its promised Performance Series protein on display. Just as the brand said the supplement’s name does give everything away as the official title of Muscletech’s other all new product is Whey + Greens. The formula basically brings together exactly what it says in its title, whey protein and greens. While we don’t know everything about the supplement just yet, we can confirm all of its highlights and some of its macros.
Starting with the important numbers, per serving Muscletech Whey Greens features 25g of protein made up of 100% whey. 5g of fiber and 1.5g of omega-3s. As for the highlights we mentioned the ones we know of are that the product packs 6 servings of greens, 24 vitamins and minerals, and 1 billion CFU probiotics. The only other details we have are the two 2lb flavors for Muscletech Whey Greens which are the classics Chocolate and Vanilla.