Rounding out the week we have some pretty big news from Muscle Sport, who has mostly been busy with new flavors as of late. A preview of a supplement called Rhino Black from the brand’s upcoming Black Series has been released, confirming both a new product and supplement line. Rhino is of course the name of Muscle Sport’s pre-workout formula, which we can only assume means the alternatively branded and named Rhino Black is a different version of the product. The big question is will the supplement be replacing the bright orange Rhino 2.0, or is it more like MusclePharm’s Black Label Series’ Assault Black and due to be sold alongside the original?
While we will need to wait for more information from Muscle Sport themselves to find out whether Rhino Black is replacing or joining the brand’s line. We do have a couple of details on the product today confirming just how different it will be from the current Rhino. Firstly Rhino Black is going to be 100% transparent, as well as presumably the rest of the Black Series, something Muscle Sport’s most recent Rhino is not. Next we have the more interesting fact of the two, and that is that the upcoming Black Series pre-workout will be weighing in significantly heavier than the Rhino currently on shelves. Based on the small amount of information that’s been revealed we know that three of Rhino Black’s ingredients have a combined total of over 10g, double one full serving of Rhino 2.0.
Knowing Muscle Sport details on their new supplement will be coming in quite slowly, especially since Rhino Black looks like it will be the first formula from the brand’s MusclePharm Black Label like Black Series. What will be even more interesting is seeing what else Muscle Sport has planned for their Black Series as it won’t exactly be a series if Rhino Black is all there is.