Every year at the Olympia there are a handful of sideline events outside of the IFBB bodybuilding competitions, such as the press conference, strongman and number of others at the expo. This year the team behind the Olympia has put together something entirely new, that definitely sounds like it will be quite interesting to watch live or even as a replay. The new feature for 2015 is the Battle Of The Gurus, which is set to take place on the second day of the Expo at 3PM on the main stage. Basically the event is exactly what it’s titled, a battle of some of the best trainers/nutritionists in the industry.
The Battle Of The Gurus will star three of the biggest names out there, two of them responsible for a total of 30 Olympia titles. First on the list is Human Evolution CEO George Farrah, the man behind athletes such as the Predator Kai Greene, Dana Linn Bailey and Mark Anthony. Next we have Chad Nicholls known as the trainer of eight time Mr. Olympia Ronnie Coleman, as well as Ms. Olympias Lenda Murray and Kim Chizevsky. Last but not least is Hany Rambod, the trainer of four time Mr. Olympia Phil “the Gift” Heath and the mind behind the supplement company Evogen.
While the three gurus go at it another big name will be moderating the event, with GAT athlete, IFBB Pro and trainer Dennis “the Menace” James. You can see more on all three of the Battle Of The Gurus contestants on the Olympia website, and find out who is bodybuilding’s number one guru September 19th.