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Performax Labs other reformulation confirmed as CreMax XT

cremax xt

Performax Labs recently confirmed that their nutrient partitioning formula SlinMax was being pushed back a bit. On the bright side it means the brand’s sequel pre-workout officially named HyperMax XT is coming sooner than expected. At the time of that announcement Performax did slip in one more bit of news, saying that there is another one of their supplements that they’re reformulating. We can now confirm today that the other product they’re referring to is in fact their creatine supplement CreMax.

Seeing as it is an upcoming product it should come as no surprise that we know nothing about what the brand has actually done to CreMax. The supplement is already a little more than your average creatine, featuring two types of creatine, betaine, taurine, and a two ingredient hydration blend. There is one change that we can confirm and that is CreMax’s new title, as just like Performax’s upcoming pre-workout the reformulated creatine will have XT added to its name, switching it to CreMax XT.

While we do now know what Performax’s third new product is, we are still going to have to wait as CreMax XT isn’t expected to be released until after HyperMax XT.

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